A quick one today - I’ve been using org-attach quite a bit recently - typically to attach documents to denote notes. What annoyed me however was that the default org-attach directory location was not very helpful.

The below code allows for a few favourites to be specified that you can select before going through the normal org-attach process.

This reddit post is the initial source of the below:

(defun TJ/org-attach (file-dir)
 "Function to select from a range of predetermined folders for org-attach, using number inputs."
  (let* ((folders '("~/Folder1/ " "~/Folder2/" "~/Folder3/"))
         (choices (mapcar (lambda (i) (format "%d: %s" (1+ i) (nth i folders)))
                         (number-sequence 0 (1- (length folders)))))
         (choice-string (mapconcat 'identity choices "\n"))
         (selection (read-char (format "Select a folder (1-%d):\n%s\n" (length folders) choice-string))))
    (list (nth (1- (- selection ?0)) folders))))  ;; Convert the selection to an index
 (let ((default-directory file-dir))

Here we define a function and this pulls a list of directories that you can select - specified as a list in line 4. Essentially, adding a favourites to org-attach. I’m sure there are more elegant ways but this seems to work for my flow.

Running M-x TJ/org-attach1 will launch a mini buffer where, using the number keys, you select which folder you want org-attach to use.

Do let me know if you have other ways of achieving similar.

  1. I follow the approch of using TJ/function-name in my own defined functions - you can change this to something that works for you. ↩︎