When it comes to quickly pulling in images into my org documents, org-download is superb. This package is a critical part of my workflow and I use it daily on my Windows work system.

Having a Windows system at work1 means that some of the cool functions that work with org-download do not function due to the limitation put on my by corporate policy. One of those is pasting images from the clipboard. This is very annoying as I often take screenshots that I want to pull into notes. If I take a screenshot I have to clip that, save it to a folder, find that folder on my screen then line up a drag and drop - turning each image insert into a hassle. Especially if you are taking notes during a presentation or lecture.

The below modification2 to the org-download-image function solves that by always looking for an image file in the same place - specified as ~/file1.png in line 4 - change this to what ever works best for you.

I can now save my screen clips as the file specified above, run M-x TJ/org-download-image3 and org-download will find it, save it into the right structure and display it in my org file. I can confidently save over the file with the next clipping knowing that everything has been filed correctly.

(defun TJ/org-download-image ()
 "Save image from '~/file1.png' to `org-download--dir'."
 (let* ((link "~/file1.png")
        (link-and-ext (org-download--parse-link link))
         (cond ((and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
                     (eq org-download-method 'attach))
                (let ((org-download-image-dir (org-attach-dir t))
                  (apply #'org-download--fullname link-and-ext)))
               ((fboundp org-download-method)
                (funcall org-download-method link))
                (apply #'org-download--fullname link-and-ext)))))
   (setq org-download-path-last-file filename)
   (org-download--image link filename)
   (when (org-download-org-mode-p)
     (when (eq org-download-method 'attach)
       (org-attach-attach filename nil 'none))
     (org-download-insert-link link filename))
   (when (and (eq org-download-delete-image-after-download t)
              (not (url-handler-file-remote-p (current-kill 0))))
     (delete-file link delete-by-moving-to-trash))))

  1. Apposed to my Linux machines for all personal work. ↩︎

  2. Read as “very simple modification”. ↩︎

  3. see here↩︎