Finding Tidal API Token on Linux

Tidal on Linux Tidal is a great way to access a vast, high quality, music collection. Bit rates are significantly higher than other streaming services. It is because of this that many want to use it as the corner stone of the audiophile set ups. The problem? There is limited Linux support. No official GUI application exists for Tidal on Linux and the only way to access music is by the web app....

January 16, 2021 · Timothy Johnson

Fixing Sound for Steam Linux

I have had some issues with crackling sound and Steam on my latest build - notably during Fallout 4. To fix this I came across this post and this video - unfortunately the links in the video are dead. I believe it is caused by high rate sample rate audio being play though low rate kit. For my future reference and for anyone also stumbling across this - I please see a link to my git up which has the pulse audio ....

July 20, 2020 · Timothy Johnson

Bootable Drive Creation on Linux

This week I had the need to create a bootable drive with the aim to breathe some life into an old laptop. Below are the commends and comments to do this using the terminal in Ubuntu. Check for all you mounted drivers using df This will print out all your drives into the terminal - you are looking for the USB drive you want to use as your bootable drive. Typically something like /dev/sdax/ where x is a number....

July 5, 2020 · Timothy Johnson

Blogging with Emacs

Blogging with emacs I’ve been trying to use emacs for almost all my writing. With the Spacemacs distro it might just be the most distraction free writing experience you can find. I used to laugh at those stories of George R.R. Martin wiritng in WordStar but hey, I guess we all grow up and see the light! So for this site which I hope will be a way of logging some of my thoughts I thought emacs would be the best platform...

May 18, 2020 · Timothy Johnson