Taking the AI-102 - a "new to IT" perspective.

A year ago I transitioned from my background in Chemical R&D to a role within the IT function - a significant leap for me. I was quickly introduced to the world of continuous learning within the realm of IT and the well defined certification paths - something, I believe, is lacking within the chemical space. The need to adapt and keep up with ever-evolving technologies was evident and I realized the importance of certifications in validating my knowledge....

October 6, 2023 · Timothy Johnson

Taking the AZ-900 - a "new to IT" perspective.

Motivation Having recently moved from Chemical R&D to take up a role within the IT function I have been exposed to some thinking regarding career development outside what I am used to. I am most impressed with the almost universal need to keep learning new technologies within the IT space - something I am taking to heart. I am also very impressed with the want to solidify learning with certifications....

April 8, 2023 · Timothy Johnson