... But Why Though? - Split Keyboards

In the realm of computer peripherals, the keyboard stands as a testament to the evolution of human-computer interaction. Among the myriad of designs, the split keyboard emerges as a fascinating study in ergonomics, customization, and the relentless pursuit of typing comfort. At the heart of the split keyboard’s design is a simple idea: that the traditional, monolithic keyboard layout does not cater to the natural positioning of human hands and wrists....

July 11, 2024 · Timothy Johnson

Time Blocking - Getting back control, one hour at a time.

In a world brimming with distractions, achieving peak productivity seems like a Herculean task. Emails ping, Teams messages flutter in, and before you know it, the day has slipped through your fingers, leaving behind a trail of unfinished tasks. Enter time blocking, a deceptively simple yet profoundly effective technique that promises to reclaim your day and enhance your focus. This approach has saved me as I moved into a much larger role within my professional life, while juggling a new family and renovating a house - while trying to remain sane....

July 9, 2024 · Timothy Johnson

AI and Integration - A Fabric First Approach

In the landscape of technological evolution, 2023 marked a significant milestone with the advent of readily available AI tools, ushering in an era where artificial intelligence applications burgeoned, promising to redefine how we tackle everyday tasks. These advances cut through, to the point where everyone and their Nan had heard of ChatGPT. Yet, amidst this digital renaissance, a paradox emerged—not of capability, but of integration. The true challenge lay not in the power of AI itself but in weaving it into the fabric of our daily lives....

July 3, 2024 · Timothy Johnson

The Phone Issue

What’s the problem? I use my phone to much. This is likely the modern refrain. If it’s not phones then it was TV before it and before that, heck, it was newspapers. For as long as we have been exploiting technology there has been a fear that perhaps, just maybe, that technology might be exploiting us. I feel this way about my phone. I spend way to much time daily on a device that I fear gives me little to no value for the investment put into it....

April 28, 2024 · Timothy Johnson

Taking the AI-102 - a "new to IT" perspective.

A year ago I transitioned from my background in Chemical R&D to a role within the IT function - a significant leap for me. I was quickly introduced to the world of continuous learning within the realm of IT and the well defined certification paths - something, I believe, is lacking within the chemical space. The need to adapt and keep up with ever-evolving technologies was evident and I realized the importance of certifications in validating my knowledge....

October 6, 2023 · Timothy Johnson

Taking the AZ-900 - a "new to IT" perspective.

Motivation Having recently moved from Chemical R&D to take up a role within the IT function I have been exposed to some thinking regarding career development outside what I am used to. I am most impressed with the almost universal need to keep learning new technologies within the IT space - something I am taking to heart. I am also very impressed with the want to solidify learning with certifications....

April 8, 2023 · Timothy Johnson

Fake Text and Scientific Writing

Introduction As technology continues to advance, it has become easier for people to create fake blogs and pass them off as legitimate sources of information. One tool that is being used to create these fake blogs is chatgpt, a machine learning algorithm that can generate text in a conversational style. While chatgpt has many legitimate uses, it is also being used to create fake blogs that are designed to manipulate readers and spread false information....

January 2, 2023 · Timothy Johnson

Emacs as a server

Emacs as a Daemon This guide will get emacs running as a server on Linux systems. This means that each time you load a file emacs is ready and doesn’t need to load. On some systems emacs start up times can be several seconds so having emacs there and ready to go can save you some real time and improve your workflows. I always forget how to do this so this guide is for me more than anyone else!...

September 24, 2022 · Timothy Johnson

Emacs as a Tool for Modern Science

Late last week my publication on the use of emacs within chemical R&D came out of early access. The full article can be found here. I wanted to use this space to address some of the comments I’ve seen posted about the early access version that went up in October. First of all - it has been great to see the positive reception this has had. This has been picked up by a few people, many of whom I follow - including John Kitchen and Irreal....

January 31, 2022 · Timothy Johnson

Start-up Scripts, Screens and Jekyll

Why bother? Static websites are great - tools like Jekyll make building, deploying and editing sites a cinch! So easy in fact it is easy to have sites for multiple projects all running off one server. This is great but can cause issues as manually serving each site on server reboots takes time. Below is an example script that will create a screen, move to the website directory and launch it....

December 26, 2021 · Timothy Johnson